Next.js -> React rendered on the Server · ✏ getStaticProps Next.js is most powerful when it can create the pages at build time (before a user request...
Next.js -> React rendered on the Server · If you've written a React application with Node/Express backend in the past, you're going to love Next.js. You...
📱 Introduction When you create an App, you'll most likely need to store and manipulate data for it, and React Native Async Storage makes it really...
With Custom Header Component · 📱 Introduction React Navigation has a number of different systems to use: stack navigation drawer navigation bottom...
There's nothing wrong with Android's native sytem fonts, they're perfectly readable and people are used to their look, but in order to give your App...
There's a couple of different ways to apply styles to a React Native component, some of which (like in web CSS) are more readable and maintainable...